lundi 21 avril 2014

Les Ruines Circulaires / The Circular Ruins 3/3

Les Ruines Circulaires / The Circular Ruins in Institut Français de Prague and Meetfactory. With the support of Institut Français, Goethe Institut and Laboratoire Flair-Paris

Official invitation card

Pictures of the show in Meetfactory - selection : 

First room general view Meetfactory. Foreground, left to right : Nikolai von Rosen, Florian Neufeldt, Eric Stephany. Background, left to right : Eric Stephany, Lara Almarcegui, Sergio Verastegui, Valentin Souquet, Jarmila Mitríková & Dávid Demjanovič. 
Left to right : Djamel Kokene, Adam Vačkář.
On wall : Adam Vačkář, on ground : Sergio Verastegui.
Left to right : Florian Neufeldt, Nikolai von Rosen, Nathalie Brevet_Hughes Rochette, Eric Stephany.
Left to right : Nikolai von Rosen, Nathalie Brevet_Hughes Rochette, Eric Stephany.
Foreground : Sergio Verastegui, background : Eric Stephany, Christophe Sarlin (perfume) and Lara Almacergui (slide show).
Foreground, left to right : Sergio Verastegui, Eric Stephany, background left to right : : Jarmila Mitríková & Dávid Demjanovič, Valentin Souquet, Sergio Verastegui.
Sergio Verastegui (details).
General view second room. Left to right : Michal Moravčík, The Bells Angels, Sergio Verastegui, Fritz Stolberg (audio), Pavla Sceranková.

The Bells Angels (details).
The Bells Angels (details).
Émilie Benoist.
Lara Almarcegui.
Video Room with Louidgi Beltrame, Wojtek Doroszuk (picture), Nicolas Moulin, Florian Pugnaire & David Raffini.
All Photos : copyright Barbora Kleinhampova and J.-M. Avrilla (The Bells Angels details).

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